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Flipkart referral fee:
Flipkart Shipping Fees:
Fixed Fee:
Collection Fee:
Referral+Shipping+Closing Fees:
GST on Referral+Shipping+Closing Fees:
Referal % + All charges:

Flipkart Profit Calculator by DigiGenie

Welcome to the Flipkart Profit Calculator, the best guide for calculating sales-related profits and losses. Simply input the following details:

  1. Category:Choose the relevant category for your product.
  2. Price: Enter the selling price of your item.
  3. Weight: Specify the weight of your product.
  4. Seller Category: Identify your seller category on Flipkart.
  5. Delivery Area:Mention the delivery area for accurate calculations.
  6. GST:Provide the GST details associated with your product.

Now, let's break down the costs:

  1. Flipkart Referral Fee: ₹9.99
  2. Shipping Fees: ₹44
  3. Fixed Fee: ₹30
  4. Collection Fee: ₹39.96

The total fees, including the referral fee, shipping fee, and closing fee, amount to ₹123.95. Additionally, there's a GST charge of ₹0.84 on these fees. When you add up the referral fee percentage and all charges, it comes to 124.79%. Finally, your estimated profit stands at ₹874.21.

Feel free to use this user-friendly calculator to make informed decisions about your Flipkart sales strategy. DigiGenie is here to simplify your e-commerce journey!

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